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Measuring Student Experience

The most recent publications appear first.

Understanding the impact of “psychologically wise” practices on student achievement

2018, Student Experience Research Network

This research snapshot provides an overview of a SERN-funded project led by Geoff Cohen and Tanner LeBaron Wallace. In this project, the researchers examined how teachers weave messages of growth, belonging, purpose, and affirmation (or their opposite) into their day-to-day practice, as well as whether creating learning environments that may support adaptive learning mindsets through these verbal messages is related to teachers’ ability to promote gains in students’ math achievement. The snapshot shares key findings, information on the interdisciplinary research team, and insights and future directions for the project.

Current frontiers of non-cognitive measurement: Insights for policy and practice

2015, Student Experience Research Network

This research brief summarizes the article by Angela Duckworth and David Yeager in Educational Researcher, Measurement Matters: Assessing Personal Qualities Other Than Cognitive Ability for Educational Purposes. Based on the authors’ analysis of the field, this brief offers recommendations for how multiple stakeholders can advance the state of non-cognitive measurement for practical purposes in education.