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Purpose and Relevance
This research synthesis provides an overview of how insights from mindset science can inform the design of educational environments in K-12 and postsecondary education. It describes how students' psychological experience of school shapes their motivation to learn and their learning outcomes. The brief distills principles from 40 years of research on mindsets and motivation about how of learning environments can be designed to be inclusive, growth-oriented, and meaningful.
Motivation beyond the lab: The effect of motivation interventions in school settings
Motivation is an important component of success in both the classroom and beyond. Researchers Rory Lazowski and Chris Hulleman completed an extensive meta-analysis to look at the effectiveness of interventions aimed at increasing students' motivation. They found that overall motivation interventions are effective and can improve both levels of motivation along with academic performance and school attendance.
Learning mindset programs can elevate achievement of low-performing students at scale
This research brief summarizes a study by SERN scholars Dave Paunesku, Greg Walton, Carissa Romero, David Yeager, Carol Dweck, and their colleague Eric Smith on the effectiveness of short, computer-based learning mindset programs on academic achievement for high school students.
When students zone out, zero in on their desire to “matter” in life
This research summary presents the findings of a study by SERN scholars David Yeager, Dave Paunesku, Gregory Walton, Sidney D'Mello, Angela Duckworth, and their colleagues that explored whether a “self-transcendent” purpose for learning could help students persist with tedious tasks.
This research summary shares findings from a study by Christopher Hulleman and Judith Harackiewicz in which high school students made connections between science and their own lives through a series of brief writing exercises.