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Chloe Stroman is the Senior Associate, Communications and Outreach at Student Experience Research Network (SERN). Prior to joining SERN, Chloe was a grant writer at Citizen Schools, a nonprofit organization that partners with public schools to create hands-on learning experiences and opportunities for social-emotional growth among middle school students. She also completed an internship with the Clinton Global Initiative University, a program that supports college-age students in designing innovative solutions to pressing local and global challenges. Chloe earned her BA in English from Wellesley College.
Visit our library to view Chloe Stroman's papers related to learning mindsets.
Associated Publications
- Structures for Belonging: A Synthesis of Research on Belonging-Supportive Learning Environments
- How does the mathematics environment shape student experience?
- The relationship among classroom growth mindset climate, trust and respect, and student performance in mathematics
- Targeted identity-safety interventions cause lasting reductions in discipline citations among negatively stereotyped boys
- The Impact of the African American Male Achievement Initiative on High School Success and Implications for Advancing Equity at a District Level
- Pairing light-touch learning mindset interventions with a long-term campus initiative
- Social and environmental influences on motivation for learning: The relationship between childhood adversity and motivational beliefs among older children and adolescents
- Learning mindsets, teacher practice, and school organizations: Becoming Effective Learners Survey and 5 Essentials
- Language as thought: Using natural language processing to investigate mindsets, learning environments, and college success
- A neurobiological investigation of the relationship between early adverse experiences and growth mindset among children